Get Out and Snatch Back Your Power

Planning Your Exit from a Toxic Work Environment

Toxic Workplaces should not be normalized. It is important to bring this issue to the light because so many people are suffering in silence. This program was designed for those who have had to endure workplace toxicity and need a way of escape. You will learn how to release the physiological and psychological scars, how to chunk up the deuces, get out, and snatch back your power. 


Let's keep it all the way real: Ain't nobody got time to be miserable at work just to make a dollar.  

No, just no. That's my answer to anyone who is working in a toxic work environment.  

You deserve to work in an environment where you are valued, and treated with dignity and respect. Toxic work environments are a byproduct of wack ass leadership. This type of culture is tolerated and rewarded while the good folks are suffering in silence. I want you know that I see you, and I want to help you get out, snatch back your power, and find an employer that aligns with your culture and core values.

Does your workplace have high turnover rate?

Does your workplace have a culture of cronyism?

Do you have fear of workplace retaliation for speaking up?

Does your workplace have rampant gossip?

Does your workplace have disengaged employees?

Do you dread Sundays because you know Monday is coming?

Do you lose sleep because you are stressed about work?

Are you being micromanaged?

Are you allowed to be your authentic self without feeling excluded from the crowd?

You are the Bomb.Com

Bet on Yourself

The very fact that you are reading this far down on the page could be a sign that you need to get out of your current toxic work environment. Toxicity of any kind is unacceptable and you are worth more than being treated unfairly. You are brilliant and have so many gifts and talents. There are employers out there who will go to war to have you on their team.

They will treat with you with respect and will reward you for the amazing work that you do. They will also pay top dollar to have you. You are the and don't let anyone make you think any differently about yourself. Get ready for a career makeover. I am here to help you do just that.

Chunk up the deuces

If you answered yes to 2 or more of these, my dear you are in a toxic workplace. It does not get better. 

Get ready to chunk up the deuces, get out, and snatch back your power.

Learn that your voice matters

Learn how heal from workplace wounds

Learn how to rebuild your resume

Learn how to live in freedom and triumph

Learn how to choose yourself and love yourself

Learn how to ask the right interview questions to measure the new workplace culture

Learn that the problem is not you

Learn to let go, move forward, and find a company who will cherish and promote you

Snatch back your power

I know this is possible because I've been there too

Hey, I'm Dr. Arriel Cymone

About Me

I designed this 6- week Signature Program because I know that the topic of toxic workplaces is something that people stay away from out of fear of retaliation.

 I wish I had a program like this when I was suffering in silence. Workplace trauma is a real thing, and it is the same as being in an abusive relationship. The physiological and psychological effects are the exact same. Let me be very clear about this: you were not created to be abused in any way, shape, or form. If you can relate to workplace trauma and are still in that environment, you need to get out.

I have had multiple toxic workplace experiences.

 I don't understand why people can't just go to work, do the job they've been hired to do, collect their coins, and go home. Only if it were that simple. I wish it were that simple. I have endured coworkers who hated me for suggesting ways to improve the status quo processes they had in place. They sabotaged my work, changed my experiment data in the computer, and messed with the method parameters I had developed. Doing this would produce erroneous results on client samples. And guess what the wack ass management said:

“learn how to rock the boat more”. Really? Are you kidding me? So this is your response to these atrocious acts? I dreaded Sundays because I knew Mondays were coming. My voice that I was once so confident in began to diminish. And I remember telling my mother, “This can't be my life. There has to be more to life that busting my ass in a place where I'm not welcomed just so I can pay the bills”. I refused to accept this as my truth. You will be able to read more of my experiences in my Exposing Toxic Workplaces white paper that is included with this program.

My Life, My Power

Each time I have experienced abuse in the workplace, I made the decision to get out and snatch back my power. I will not accept unfair treatment just to make a dollar. I am too gifted and talented to settle for that type of environment. And so are you. This program will prepare you to leave your toxic environment and to find a new place where you can thrive, find joy, and find purpose with a career that you love.

You have so many gifts and talents inside of you. Don't settle for a workplace that can't see your value.

Private and Group Coaching Program

Get Out and Snatch Back Your Power

Planning Your Exit from a Toxic Work Environment



my signture process

Get in touch

Complete the questionnaire on the contact page and I will be in touch to schedule your complimentary discovery call to explore where you currently are and where you desire to go.



my signture process

Let's Get Started

If we determine that we are a perfect fit, I will send you on-boarding documents and my calendar to schedule your sessions



my signture process

Ready, Set, Propel

We will spend the next 6 weeks in the Get Out and Snatch Back Your Power program preparing you to leave your toxic work environment, rebuilding your resume to diamond bezel status, and exploring interviewing techniques so that you nail your dream job and gauge the workplace culture.


My Flowers

Dr. Arriel embodies the epitome of a leader. She possesses the insight and expertise into innovative methodologies that will benefit mankind. Dr. Arriel has been instrumental in helping me build lifelong relationships with other leaders. I have had the pleasure of networking with some impactful individuals. These relationships have led to creative developments that may profoundly impact the community. Additionally, under Dr. Arriel's guidance and leadership, she inspires others to think both analytically and critically. Soaring to new heights is an understatement when describing Dr. Arriel. She will challenge you with her tenacity and hard work ethic. As a result of Dr. Arriel's guidance and influence, I have transformed into an incredible scientist who will dedicate impactful years of service to better the world. 

- Bryant J.

from Clients


Weekly Coaching Sessions

Get exclusive access to my calendar and schedule your weekly, 60-minute coaching sessions that utilize my proprietary Signature Program to get you on the fast track to living your dream life

What's included


Email, Text, and
Phone Support

Get email, text, and phone support directly from me. You will have direct access to my personal cell phone to text and call.


Emergency and
After-Hours Support

Whether it's a holiday, the weekend, or late at night, you will have direct access to me. I am committed to your success and will respond to you via email, text, or phone.


A safe, non-judgmental environment where you can thrive

Everything that we discuss is strictly confidential. You can give yourself permission to be authentically you in these sessions. I encourage you to bring your authentic self because a crafted character version of yourself will not see results.


Resume Rebuild

We will tailor your resume to fit your dream job


Interviewing Techniques

Learn how to nail your dream job and what questions to ask to make sure they are the right fit for you


Chunk up the deuces

After landing your dream job, get out and snatch back your power from the toxic workplace you are escaping

This program is the right fit for you if you:

Are ready to get your voice back

Are ready to regain your confidence in your knowledge, skills, and abilities

Are ready to have a career that you love

Are ready to find an employer who will cherish you

Are ready to get paid top dollar for your gifts and talents

Are ready to stop settling for less than God's best for your life

Are ready to stop dreading Sundays

Are ready to start living in abundance

Are ready to create the dream life that you deserve

Are ready to work with an expert who will keep it 100% real with you and not just tell you what you want to hear

Are committed to seeing your life transform

Sound like you?

Let's do this!

Give yourself the gift of creating the dream life that you deserve

Weekly Coaching Sessions

Email, Text, and Phone Support

Emergency and After-Hours support

A safe, non-judgmental environment where you can thrive

Resume Rebuild

Interviewing Techniques

Chunk up the Deuces

The Investment


Bonus 1: Exposing Toxic Workplaces White Paper

Get Out and Snatch Back Your Power

Planning Your Exit from a Toxic Work Environment

6 months of ongoing support after completion of the program

Referral Rewards: Receive $50 reward when your friend signs up for a service

20% discount on one additional Signature Program

Welcome Gift


Heiress Package

12 months of ongoing support after completion of the program

Referral Rewards: Receive $100 reward when your friend signs up for a service

25% discount on one additional Signature Program

Hand delivered welcome gift

1:1 in person, private dinner with me


Empress Package

Enhance your Experience by Upgrading to my Heiress and Empress Packages